Health Psychology Matters Ltd

Workplace health and wellbeing
Employee health and wellbeing to support your organisational goals...
Life, both inside and outside of work, is so much richer when your job helps you to be happier and healthier.
Apart from it simply being so much better to feel mentally and physically well at work, there are so many other benefits for an organisation with happier and healthier employees.
They can experience higher:
job satisfaction
levels of engagement
And conversely can also experience lower:
absence rates
levels of 'background stress'
levels of staff turnover
Clearly it is not as simple as just choosing to be happier and healthier, but it is a good start. We can work with your organisation to provide a structured process to improve employee health and wellbeing. We will work with you to:
Align the leadership team on behind the changes you want to see (without this, any change is going to be extremely unlikely to stick)
Assess your current levels of health & wellbeing and how this relates to indicators such as morale, engagement, productivity, absence rates and staff turnover.
Plan activities to prevent poor mental and physical health from occurring or to alleviate them if they are already happening
Deliver against the plan
Evaluate the impact of the activities. Are they making a difference to your key indicators?

What would it feel like to work with Health Psychology Matters Ltd on a workplace health and wellbeing project?
No two projects are alike, but using our evidence-based approach, we would typically work with you as follows:
Find out what the leadership team understand by health and wellbeing in the context of your organisation. What is the appetite for thinking and behaving differently with regards to health and wellbeing? This could be done via 1:1 interviews or group work with the leadership team.
Work out your baseline levels of health and wellbeing. This would typically be done by looking at existing metrics where they are measured in the context of health, such as absence rates and reasons for absence. If you measure engagement, this is an ideal starting point. We would recommend an often overlooked technique - actually asking your employees about their health and wellbeing at work! This could be done via surveys or focus groups - all run professionally and ethically.
When you know where you want to be in terms of health and wellbeing, and when you have your baseline, we can help you plan either preventative or remedial activities. There is no set answer, and often the best ideas for a healthier workplace will come from your employees themselves. Given our health psychology expertise we will ensure that any interventions or changes are evidence-based. Typical areas to focus on are likely to be mental health, physical health, healthier eating, leadership and employee engagement. However, as your organisation is unique, the plans we put into place together will be unique to you.
Like any change that needs to stick, a good mixture of disciplined project and change management will be required to actually embed the changes. We find that workplace health champions can be an excellent group of people to bring the change about - and even better when the champions are influential and committed to improving their team and personal health.
We then encourage you to revisit your baseline levels of health and wellbeing. Are you actually seeing a difference in the things that matter to your organisation?